Dayid's Vise & Tool Wiki:Current events
- Locking down the ability to create accounts and the ability to edit anonymously. Too many spambots. Always nice to see idiots trying to ruin a good thing for everyone.
--Dayid 22:49, 18 March 2012 (UTC)
- This getting things here organized. Chose today to keep History/ID Charts/Ads on separate pages for each Category:Manufacturer. This is so that I don't have to keep track of a history for Columbian Vise as well as for Columbian Anvils. Rather, the history will be contained on the Columbian page, with links to other relative pieces of information about that company. This is so that the wiki is not limited to just focusing on vises, but rather has a good organization to expand to all sorts of information.
--Dayid 00:48, 4 March 2012 (UTC)